Then we will add this action to tab in samplebackoffice-backoffice-config.xml. Sockets-> output: We will add output id to this field. Setting key=”viewMode” default-value=”iconAndText”: View mode can be change. And We will define these icons to definition.xml as iconUri, iconDisabledUri and iconHoverUri. For this, we will create icons on samplebackoffice/backoffice/resources/widgets/actions/sample. IconUri, iconDisabledUri and iconHoverUri: If we will use icon, we can add icon, icon_hover and icon_disabled. We will create for consignment so we defined as consignmentmodel. OutputType: This field will change according to the button to be added. InputType: This field will change according to the button to be added.
Then you can add sample action class to this path. Then we should be create definition.xml for action.Īction-definition id: This will be action’s location.ĪctionClassName: We will create action for sample action in samplebackoffice/backoffice/src/actions. We will create new folder in samplebackoffice/backoffice/resources/widgets/actions. When employee login with warehouse user to backoffice, she/he will see sample button on consignment tab. We can proceed with the example scenario. You can add a new button by following the steps below in backoffice.